Basic Information
The commodities cooperative of Brassica was founded in the year of 1999, with the aim to balance the relations between agricultural crop growers, buying organizations, and other business entities that are active on the commodities market of the Czech Republic.
The Brassica commodities cooperative is primarily active in providing services to its members in the areas of warehousing and the processing of agricultural commodities. Among other important activities are the facilitating of sales, the wholesaling of grains and oil-bearing crops, leasing warehouse space to non-affiliated organizations, laboratory analysis and the offloading of goods.
Currently the cooperative is made up of 49 members, which together own and cultivate more than 12 thousand ha of agricultural land. The land of our members is situated in areas fertile and rich in nutrients adjacent to Litoměřice, Roudnice nad Labem, Teplice, Slaný and Louny.