Facilitating Sales
Everyone that seriously deals with the issue of agricultural commodities knows that nowadays it isn’t enough to cultivate a product of quality, but it is just as important to know how to sell it well.

The agricultural commodities market is known for its marked volatility and it is often very difficult for the small farmer to follow the daily price fluctuations and guess the long-term trending of the market, which is, furthermore, dependent on factors which cannot be easily foreseen.
Brassica, thanks to its strong market position and many years of experience, is partly able to eliminate this uncertainty. It offers its members and business partners the option to enter into long-term agreements for as much as a few months in advance, wherefore the price is fixed according to agreed-upon conditions and therefore isn’t dependent on potential future fluctuations.

Our big advantage is, likewise, the fact that in the long-term we are able to enter into contractual agreements on prices, which are numerically higher than those of classic purchases. This fact is related to our well-functioning supplier-client relationships and stable business ties. Another relevant role is played by the fact that our business agreements consist in the delivery of relatively large deliveries, which can be offloaded by boat of train.