The Brassica commodities cooperative is primarily active in providing services to its members in the fields of warehousing and processing agricultural commodities. Among other important activities are the facilitating of sales, the wholesaling of grains and oil-bearing crops, leasing warehouse space to non-affiliated organizations, laboratory analysis and the offloading of goods.

Warehousing Agricultural Commodities
The total storage capacity of the cooperative amounts to 28,500 tonnes. We are thereby able to seamlessly react to the actual situation on the market and lease spare capacity to potentially interested parties. Find out more ...

Post-harvest processing of grain
We provide for complete services in the areas of laboratory analysis, aspiratory pre-cleaning, net cleaning and drying of agricultural commodities. Find out more ...

Offloading of Goods
Our advantageous geographical location predestined us to be an ideal business partner for the offloading of goods. We offer not only the classic loading of goods onto lorries, but also the option of utilizing direct offloading onto trains or river barges. Find out more ...

Facilitating Sales
Brassica has been successfully dealing with agricultural commodities for more than 15 years and works with a wide range of verified business partners, not only in the Czech Republic, but abroad as well. Find out more ...